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excel 2007 connect to ssas 2005 cube

I have created a cube (ssas 2005), and can connect to it from excel 2007. I created a connection file (.odc). How can I set up other users to connect to the cube? I am new to this. Should they connect by creating a new connection as I do (specify server, authentication, and cube) or can I send the .odc file to them so they can open it? I don't want them to connect to the server directly because there are other cubes as well. Not sure about the usage of .odc file is it for sharing connection?


  • You can share the .odc file. The odc file is still connecting them to the SSAS server though, just that they don't have to type in server name or cube. You also need to make sure they actually have access to the cube with their username.

    Be aware that your user can see the server and initial catalog in the connection string in their connection properties in Excel if they are smart enough to look there. If you have granted them access to view other cubes or access the AS database on the server, they can use this info to go to the server and look around.

    enter image description here

    Here's a link with more info on .odc files: