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Release Management - Continuous Integration

I've configured Release Management to pick up when source is checked in and deploy the code. However, I am having a problem:

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Exception: Package location "\devserver1\Drop\Release Manager Build (Continuous)\Release Manager Build (Continuous)_20140115.15_PublishedWebsites\FrontEnd_Package" does not exists or Application Pool user does not have access. at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Common.Helpers.FileTransferer.CopyFolder(String sourceFolder, String destFolder) at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Services.DeploymentControllerService.GetPackageFileInfos(String packageLocation) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

The strange thing is that if I simply open up Release Management tool, go to the failed deployment and click "retry deployment" it works first time no problem.

I have tried giving "Everyone", "TFSService" & "ReleaseManagement" users full permissions to both the drop folder and the build folder but still it doesn't work.

Please help!


  • So turns out that because I didn't have a "Configuration" set up in my build process, nothing was created as there was no default either. Once I created this it seemed to work. My discussion with Microsoft here: MSDN:Release Management - Continuous Integration