I have a cfm page that generates multiple spreadsheet objects, right now if i try to send the files for download, only the last generated spreadsheet file is send as a download.
Is there a way to write these files to a zip and send the zip file as a download?
This is my existing logic:
for(VARIABLES.fileNumber = 0; VARIABLES.fileNumber < VARIABLES.maxFiles; VARIABLES.fileNumber = VARIABLES.fileNumber + 1)
/* code to create Spreadsheet here */
VARIABLES.context = getPageContext();
VARIABLES.response = VARIABLES.context.getResponse().getResponse();
VARIABLES.out = response.getOutputStream();
Now , this way I get only the last spreadsheet that was generated. Is there a way to get all the spreadsheets that are generated may be one by one or may be in a zip ?
Yes there is: <cfzip>
. There's a usage example in the docs, but I'll repro here so I don't get slapped for basically saying "RTFM":
<!--- This example shows how to zip the directory "c:\temp" into the ZIP file "e:\work\abc.zip". --->
<cfzip file="e:\work\abc.zip" source="c:\temp">
<!--- This example shows how to zip all the class files in a directory and add a subdirectory named "classes" to the JAR file entry name. --->
<cfzip file="e:\work\util.jar" action="zip" source="c:\src\util\" prefix="classes" filter="*.class">
<!---This example shows how to zip all of the log files in the ColdFusion directory and create a subdirectory called exception where zipped files are archived.
<cfzip file="c:\zipTest\log2.zip" action="zip" source="c:\ColdFusion\" prefix="exception" filter="*.log">
<!--- This example shows how to overwrite all of the content of a ZIP file with the entries specified in the source. --->
<cfzip file="c:\currentApp.zip" source="c:\myApp\work" overwrite="yes">