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How to refresh or show immediately in datagridview after inserting?

After entering data into all the textbox, and after clicking the submit button, it won't immediately show in the datagridview, I need to reopen the form in order to see the new inserted row. What code to put in for refresh?

Followed @user3222297 code. by adding grdPatient.Update(); and grdPatient.Refresh(); still doesn't get refreshed after i click the OK for insert successful.

doesn't get refresh

     using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;

namespace GRP_02_03_SACP
    public partial class patient : Form
        // Data Table to store employee data
        DataTable Patient = new DataTable();

        // Keeps track of which row in Gridview
        // is selected
        DataGridViewRow currentRow = null;

        SqlDataAdapter PatientAdapter;

        public patient()

        private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (btnSubmit.Text == "Clear")
                btnSubmit.Text = "Submit";

               btnSubmit.Text = "Clear";
            int result = AddPatientRecord();
            if (result > 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Insert Successful");
                MessageBox.Show("Insert Fail");

        private int AddPatientRecord()
            int result = 0;
            // TO DO: Codes to insert customer record
            //retrieve connection information info from App.config
            string strConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["sacpConnection"].ConnectionString;
            //STEP 1: Create connection
            SqlConnection myConnect = new SqlConnection(strConnectionString);
            //STEP 2: Create command
            String strCommandText = "INSERT PATIENT(pFirstName, pLastName, pContact, pAddress, pCity, pZip, pNationality, pRace, pIC, pGender, pDOB, pBloodType, pEmail) "
                + " VALUES (@pFirstName,@pLastName,@pContact,@pAddress,@pCity,@pZip,@pNationality, @pRace, @pIC, @pGender, @pDOB, @pBloodType, @pEmail)";

            SqlCommand updateCmd = new SqlCommand(strCommandText, myConnect);

            updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pFirstName", txtpFirstName.Text);
            updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pLastName", txtpLastName.Text);
            //updateCmd.Parameters["@clientid"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; 
            updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pContact", txtpContact.Text);
            updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pAddress", txtpAddress.Text);
            updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pCity", txtpCity.Text);
            updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pZip", txtpZip.Text);
            updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pNationality", txtpNationality.Text);
            updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pRace", txtpRace.Text);
            updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pIC", txtpIC.Text);
            updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pGender", txtpGender.Text);
            updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pDOB", txtpDOB.Text);
            updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pBloodType", txtpBloodType.Text);
            updateCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pEmail", txtpEmail.Text);
            // STEP 3 open connection and retrieve data by calling ExecuteReader
            // STEP 4: execute command
            // indicates number of record updated.
            result = updateCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

            // STEP 5: Close
            return result;


        private void patient_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void LoadPatientRecords()

            //retrieve connection information info from App.config
            string strConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["sacpConnection"].ConnectionString;
            //STEP 1: Create connection
            SqlConnection myConnect = new SqlConnection(strConnectionString);
            //STEP 2: Create command
            string strCommandText = "SELECT pFirstName, pLastName, pContact, pAddress, pCity, pZip, pNationality, pRace, pIC, pGender, pDOB, pBloodType, pEmail, pUsername, pPassword FROM Patient";

            PatientAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(strCommandText, myConnect);

            //command builder generates Select, update, delete and insert SQL
            // statements for MedicalCentreAdapter
            SqlCommandBuilder cmdBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(PatientAdapter);
            // Empty Employee Table first
            // Fill Employee Table with data retrieved by data adapter
            // using SELECT statement

            // if there are records, bind to Grid view & display
            if (Patient.Rows.Count > 0)
                grdPatient.DataSource = Patient;


  • Use LoadPatientRecords() after a successful insertion.

    Try the below code

    private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (btnSubmit.Text == "Clear")
                btnSubmit.Text = "Submit";
               btnSubmit.Text = "Clear";
               int result = AddPatientRecord();
               if (result > 0)
                   MessageBox.Show("Insert Successful");
                   MessageBox.Show("Insert Fail");