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How can I set an user with none affiliation directly to be a member when the user joins the room - Ejabberd

I am customising the module mod_muc_room to automatically set the affiliation of an user to member when the user joins for the first time.

I am working on the method process_pressence, i manage to add the user in the configuration room of the mysql table mod_muc but the StateData does not contain this change.... how can I properly make this change available to the StateData.

I would like to know some pointers. I have tried many many method hacks but I just seem to get lost...thanks in advance



    How about setting members_by_default to true in default_room_options ?


    I was confused about role and affiliation, and try following patch:

    --- a/src/mod_muc_room.erl
    +++ b/src/mod_muc_room.erl
    @@ -1611,7 +1611,11 @@ add_online_user(JID, Nick, Role, StateData) ->
                               [LJID], StateData#state.nicks),
         tab_add_online_user(JID, StateData),
    -    StateData#state{users = Users, nicks = Nicks}.
    +    StateData1 = case get_affiliation(JID, StateData) of
    +        owner -> StateData;
    +        _ -> set_affiliation(JID, member, StateData)
    +    end,
    +    StateData1#state{users = Users, nicks = Nicks}.