I'm trying to split a string at every '.' (period), but periods are a symbol used by java regexes. Example code,
String outstr = "Apis dubli hre. Agro duli demmos,".split(".");
I can't escape the period character, so how else do I get Java to ignore it?
I can't escape the period character, so how else do I get Java to ignore it?
You can escape the period character, but you must first consider how the string is interpreted.
In a Java string (that is fed to Pattern.
is a regex meaning any character."\."
is an illegally-escaped string. This won't compile. As a regex in a text editor, however, this is perfectly legitimate, and means a literal dot."\\."
is a Java string that, once interpreted, becomes the regular expression \.
, which is again the escaped (literal) dot.What you want is
String outstr = "Apis dubli hre. Agro duli demmos,".split("\\.");