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Scroll to next div on body click

I have a number of divs all with the class '.slide' and a scroll to function that scrolls through them when a .slide div is clicked.

See here:

However i'm trying to get the function to work when clicking on the body as opposed to the slide. Also because the slides are displayed as inline-block i need it to scroll to the slide after when the next slide is already fully in the viewport.

Does anyone have any direction on this?


  • You'd have to keep a tracker somewhere, in my example - I use the body to keep a data-* attribute which stores the current jQuery Object which is currently in view.

    var currentSlide = $('body').data( 'current-slide', $('div.slide').eq(1) );

    Then switch the $.click() handler from $('div.slide') to $('body'):

       //get the current slide index from the body tag.
       $this = 'current-slide' );
       $next = $'div.slide');
       if($next.length) {
            //Save the next slide as the current.
            $('body').data( 'current-slide', $next );
       } else {
            //Throw us back to the top.
            //Save the first slide as the first slide, which 
            //Cycles us back to the top.
            $('body').data( 'current-slide', $('div.slide:first'));
       $(".slide a").click(function(e) {

    CodePen Demo: