I always thought, that new lines in JS sourcecode doesn't matter. Why new lines do matter sometimes?
function x(y)
{ y : y,
z : y*2
Throws a SyntaxError: missing ; before statement at z : y*2
(pointing to the :
function x(y)
return (
{ y : y,
z : y*2
} )
shows 10
function x(y)
return {
y : y,
z : y*2
There are 2 problems: The ";" are automaticaly added by the browser on the return line, and you missed one ";" after the object declaration in the return. You should never rely on automatic addition of ";", because you wouldn't be abble to minify your javascript code after that.
You wouldn't have this problem by using the "1TBS" notation. (a notation that i also call the "Egyptian Notation"): So always put the curly brace at the end of the previous statement. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indent_style
The question has already be debatted here: Is there a way I can make jslint work with curly braces on the next line of my javascript?
So the right notation for your code should be:
function x(y){
return {
y : y,
z : y*2
You may use jshint to check your code style.