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need help translating a code snippet from java to C# equivalent

Here's the code snippet I'd like to translate from Java to C#. I'm not sure what's causing the error but I've never used ArrayLists and vectors before. Thanks in advance!!

//Java class definitions, constructors, fields, methods etc here. 
//sphbasis is a Vector object.

    public SphericalHarmonicDecomposition[] getSphericalHarmonicBasis() {
    return (SphericalHarmonicDecomposition[])(sphbasislist.toArray(
    new SphericalHarmonicDecomposition[sphbasislist.size()]));

I've tried doing the following in C#:

//C# class definitions, constructors, fields, methods etc here. 
//sphbasis is a ArrayList object.

    public SphericalHarmonicDecomposition[] getSphericalHarmonicBasis() {
    return (SphericalHarmonicDecomposition[])(sphbasislist.ToArray(
    new SphericalHarmonicDecomposition[sphbasislist.Count]));

I get the following errors. I'm using Mono and Xamarin studio on a mac.

Error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 
has some invalid arguments (CS1502) (projectx)


Error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert    
`matdcal.engine.model.SphericalHarmonicDecomposition[]' expression 
to type `System.Type' (CS1503) (projectx)


  • Please try the following. In Java you need to pass an array to the toArray method, but that's not correct in C# (.NET).

    //C# class definitions, constructors, fields, methods etc here. 
    //sphbasis is a ArrayList object.
        public SphericalHarmonicDecomposition[] getSphericalHarmonicBasis() {
        return (SphericalHarmonicDecomposition[])(sphbasislist.ToArray());


    Java ArrayList.toArray

    C# List.ToArray