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Data Encryption Standard test vectors

Does anyone know where I can find test vectors for every component of 64bit DES algorithm(Key schedul, cipher function, etc)? For example I want to test 64bits key generation and to ckeck all 16 key generated. I am implementing the algorithm in VHDL so I need to check the comonents. My implementation is based on this paper.



  • Originally there was NBS Special Publication 500-20, revised in 1980, Validating the Correctness of Hardware Implementations of the NBS Data Encryption Standard (The author has made it available at ).

    Then there is NIST Special PUB 800-17, Modes of Operation Validation System (MOVS): Requirements and Procedures, covering FIPS PUB 46-2 (DES) as well as Skipjack. .

    There's also NIST Special PUB 800-20, Modes of Operation Validation System for the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TMOVS): Requirements and Procedures. .

    There may be other publications such as NIST Special Publication 800-67, Recommendation for the TripleData Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) Block Cipher,, found at .

    Having implemented DES numerous times in software and a couple of times in VHDL, it's in understanding that the DES standard originally described conformance to the hardware implementation patented by IBM in 1977. (see vhdl_des.tar.gz, which is a simple implementation with an 8 bit interface. There's a pdf file than includes a description of the I/O permutations.)

    To save you the typing the test vectors from FIPS SP PUB 500-20 can be found here des.test. There may be a parity error in one of the keys, I can never keep track of which of these files is where (des -tv < des.test, a software implementation). Someone laboriously typed them in by hand from Numerical Recipes in C, where someone had gotten them from 500-20.