I'm using the Play Framework and am trying to define a javascript file within a function in another javascript file (the reason being that I don't want these functions to be usable outside of the container function).
So I have two javascripts files, ./public/javascripts/main.js, ./public/javascript/custom.js.
From my html pages (index.scala.html) I define this as follows:
<script src="@routes.Assets.at("javascripts/main.js")"></script>
Using "@routes...." doesn't work in main.js, so I tried adding the following:
$.getScript("public/javascripts/custom.js", function(){
alert("Script loaded and executed.");
I've tried a variety of paths but it always says it can't find it.
Any idea how to do this in Play please? Looked through as much documentation as I can and nothing is there...
Any help would be brilliant!
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Gary Shergill
Try to use Javascript Routing mechanism. As described here
Define javascriptRoutes
import play.api.mvc._
object Application extends Controller {
def javascriptRoutes = Action { implicit request =>
import routes.javascript._
Update your .routes file
GET /routes controllers.Application.javascriptRoutes
Include it into the page:
<script type="text/javascript" src="@routes.Application.javascriptRoutes"></script>
And then use jsRoutes variable in your javascript:
$.getScript(jsRoutes.controllers.Assets.at('javascripts/custom.js').url, function(){
alert("Script loaded and executed.");