Java 7 update 51 : My application is java web start kind, in which we have addressed all the security measure in jar, JNLP files and signed the jar files with trusted authority , but Latest update is prompting user confirmation message about Publisher name every time. Message doesn't have any check box to ignore as provided with update 45 and further, so please clarify is this a normal behavior of this update or else any step required to overcome the same.
Application-Library-Allowable-Codebase: *
this attribute resolved the check box issue in my case
I've found that Rob's manifest entries did not do it for us... We still ended up without "Do not show this again..." check box showing under 1.7.0_51 for our app (when href= was not specified, properly signed, etc.).
But other of what Rob posted holds & that coupled with Andrew's suggestion of a full/proper manifest lead us to what worked for us. From my post to Java Web Start security dialogs with Java 7 update 51:
Assure you've JAR manifest(s) such that no Missing Blah-Blah-Blah manifest attribute msgs show in console log. The minimal additional manifest attributes for 7u51 we've found must be present (*s as test values):
Permissions: all-permissions
Codebase: *
Application-Library-Allowable-Codebase: *