What is the most efficient way of computing the gradient for fixed sized voxel data, such as the source code below. Note that I need the gradient at any point in space. The gradients will be used for estimating normals in a marching cubes implementation.
#import <array>
struct VoxelData {
VoxelData(float* data, unsigned int xDim, unsigned int yDim, unsigned int zDim)
:data(data), xDim(xDim), yDim(yDim), zDim(zDim)
std::array<float,3> get_gradient(float x, float y, float z){
std::array<float,3> res;
// compute gradient efficiently
return res;
float get_density(int x, int y, int z){
if (x<0 || y<0 || z<0 || x >= xDim || y >= yDim || z >= zDim){
return 0;
return data[get_element_index(x, y, z)];
int get_element_index(int x, int y, int z){
return x * zDim * yDim + y*zDim + z;
const float* const data;
const unsigned int xDim;
const unsigned int yDim;
const unsigned int zDim;
Update 1 A demo project of the problem can be found here:
Currently the output is like the picture below (based on MooseBoys code):
Update 2 The solution that I'm looking for must give fairly accurate gradients, since they are used as normals in a visualisation and visual artefacts like the ones below must be avoided.
Update 2 Solution from the user example is:
The following produces a linearly interpolated gradient field:
std::array<float,3> get_gradient(float x, float y, float z){
std::array<float,3> res;
// x
int xi = (int)(x + 0.5f);
float xf = x + 0.5f - xi;
float xd0 = get_density(xi - 1, (int)y, (int)z);
float xd1 = get_density(xi, (int)y, (int)z);
float xd2 = get_density(xi + 1, (int)y, (int)z);
res[0] = (xd1 - xd0) * (1.0f - xf) + (xd2 - xd1) * xf; // lerp
// y
int yi = (int)(y + 0.5f);
float yf = y + 0.5f - yi;
float yd0 = get_density((int)x, yi - 1, (int)z);
float yd1 = get_density((int)x, yi, (int)z);
float yd2 = get_density((int)x, yi + 1, (int)z);
res[1] = (yd1 - yd0) * (1.0f - yf) + (yd2 - yd1) * yf; // lerp
// z
int zi = (int)(z + 0.5f);
float zf = z + 0.5f - zi;
float zd0 = get_density((int)x, (int)y, zi - 1);
float zd1 = get_density((int)x, (int)y, zi);
float zd2 = get_density((int)x, (int)y, zi + 1);
res[2] = (zd1 - zd0) * (1.0f - zf) + (zd2 - zd1) * zf; // lerp
return res;