I am supposed to extract representative terms from an organisation's website using wikipedia's article-link data dump. To achieve this I've -
Now, I'm supposed to process each of the webpages using the dictionary to recognise terms and track their term IDs & frequencies.
For the dictionary to fit in memory, I've splitted the dictionary into smaller files. Based on my experiment with a small data-set, the processing time for the above will be around 75 days.
And this is just for 1 organisation. I have to do the same for more than 40 of them.
Implementation -
I've tried optimizing the code and tuning the JVM for better performance.
Can someone please advise on a more efficient way to implement the above, reducing the processing time to a few days.
Is Hadoop an option to consider?
Based on your question:
Number of Documents = 110000
Dictionary => List of [TermID, Title Terms] = 40million entries
Size of documents = 11000 * 1KB per document on an average = 26.9GB
(1KB per document on an average)
Size of dictionary = 40million * 256bytes = 9.5GB of raw data
(256bytes per entry on an average)
How did you arrive at the 75 days estimate?
There are number of performance targets:
Here is an outline of what I believe you are doing:
dictionary = read wikipedia dictionary
document = a sequence of documents
documents.map { doc =>
var docTermFreq = Map[String, Int]()
for(term <- doc.terms.map if(dictionary.contains(term)) ) {
docTermFreq = docTermFreq + (term -> docTermFreq.getOrElse(term, 0) + 1)
// store docTermFreq map
What this is essentially doing is breaking up each document into tokens and then performing a lookup in wikipedia dictionary for its token's existence.
This is exactly what a Lucene Analyzer does.
A Lucene Tokenizer will convert document into tokens. This happens before the terms are indexed into lucene. So all you have to do is implement a Analyzer which can lookup the Wikipedia Dictionary, for whether or not a token is in dictionary.
I would do it like this:
When you do this, you will have ready-made statistics from the Lucene Index such as:
There are lot of things you can do to improve the performance. For example:
I hope that helps.