Basically, uses nativeJSON to enconde and decode packets, and my problem is that I am obliged to use this version of prototype which changes JSON behaviour. When I should get in the server something like:
socket.on('event', function (a, b, c)
I get
socket.on('event', function ([a, b, c], undefined, undefined)
One solution is to comment this lines on json.js:
if (nativeJSON && nativeJSON.parse){
return exports.JSON = {
parse: nativeJSON.parse
, stringify: nativeJSON.stringify
but this change affects performance seriously.
Is there a way to recover native JSON functionality? Would it be possible to create a hidden iframe just to clone the JSON object to restore the old functionality?
One solution is to kill Prototype's toJSON() extension methods:
if(window.Prototype) {
delete Object.prototype.toJSON;
delete Array.prototype.toJSON;
delete Hash.prototype.toJSON;
delete String.prototype.toJSON;
Then you should be able to use the browser's native JSON.parse/stringify methods without issue.