I'm trying to play raw pcm data delivered from ohLibSpotify c# library (https://github.com/openhome/ohLibSpotify).
I get the data in the following callback:
public void MusicDeliveryCallback(SpotifySession session, AudioFormat format, IntPtr frames, int num_frames)
//format.channels = 2, format.samplerate = 44100, format.sample_type = Int16NativeEndian
//frames = ?
//num_frames = 2048
Now i want to directly play the received data with NAudio (http://naudio.codeplex.com/). With the following code snippet i can play a mp3 file from disk. Is it possible to directly pass the data received from spotify to NAudio and play it in realtime?
using (var ms = File.OpenRead("test.pcm"))
using (var rdr = new Mp3FileReader(ms))
using (var wavStream = WaveFormatConversionStream.CreatePcmStream(rdr))
using (var baStream = new BlockAlignReductionStream(wavStream))
using (var waveOut = new WaveOut(WaveCallbackInfo.FunctionCallback()))
while (waveOut.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Playing)
EDIT: I updated my code. The program doesn't throw any errors, but i also can't hear music. Is anything wrong in my code?
This is the music delivery callback:
public void MusicDeliveryCallback(SpotifySession session, AudioFormat format, IntPtr frames, int num_frames)
//format.channels = 2, format.samplerate = 44100, format.sample_type = Int16NativeEndian
//frames = ?
//num_frames = 2048
byte[] frames_copy = new byte[num_frames];
Marshal.Copy(frames, frames_copy, 0, num_frames);
bufferedWaveProvider = new BufferedWaveProvider(new WaveFormat(format.sample_rate, format.channels));
bufferedWaveProvider.BufferDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(40);
bufferedWaveProvider.AddSamples(frames_copy, 0, num_frames);
bufferedWaveProvider.Read(frames_copy, 0, num_frames);
if (_waveOutDeviceInitialized == false)
IWavePlayer waveOutDevice = new WaveOut();
_waveOutDeviceInitialized = true;
And these are the overwritten callbacks in the SessionListener:
public override int MusicDelivery(SpotifySession session, AudioFormat format, IntPtr frames, int num_frames)
_sessionManager.MusicDeliveryCallback(session, format, frames, num_frames);
return base.MusicDelivery(session, format, frames, num_frames);
public override void GetAudioBufferStats(SpotifySession session, out AudioBufferStats stats)
stats.samples = 2048 / 2; //???
stats.stutter = 0; //???
I think you can do this:
I think that will work. It involves some unnecessary copying and doesn't accurately keep track of stutters, but it's a good starting point. I think it might be a better (more efficient and reliable) solution to implement IWaveProvider and manage the buffering yourself.
I wrote the ohLibSpotify wrapper-library, but I don't work for the same company anymore, so I'm not involved in its development anymore. You might be able to get more help from someone on this forum: http://forum.openhome.org/forumdisplay.php?fid=6 So far as music delivery goes, ohLibSpotify aims to have as little overhead as possible. It doesn't copy the music data at all, it just passes you the same native pointer that the libspotify library itself provided, so that you can copy it yourself to its final destination and avoid an unnecessary layer of copying. It does make it a bit clunky for simple usage, though.
Good luck!