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How to debug dynamic JavaScript functions in FireBug

I have some JavaScript functions like this:

function onSelectRow_${itemid}(){

This it is appearing like this in Firebug script tab:

function onSelectRow_87878(){

I put multiple break points (it has more than 20 lines, I put one in for example) in Firebug -> Script tab.

But the problem is, Firebug is not able to do debug these methods, ie. it is not stopping execution it executing as usual. I tried multiple times.

This is my actual code and use:

function onSelectRow_${escapedId }(rowId){

<jqgrid:grid onSelectRow="onSelectDeviceRow_${escapedId }"

What can I try to resolve it?


  • You can use debugger

    function onSelectRow_87878()
         debugger; //add here

    When you open Firebug, enable Script,and it will automatically go to the debugger point

    debugging in firefox