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Sprite sticks to the camera in libgdx?

I would like to let the sprite where I left it in the screen, and drag the camera in the world. But the sprite sticks to the camera, and is still at the bottom of the screen when I drag the camera.

This is not happening with a tilemap (the .tmx file), and a renderer : the camera can drag over the tilemap, and the tilemap does not stick to the camera. With a spriteBatch tough, the sprite stays at the bottom of the screen.

Here is my code:

map = MyLoader.manager.get("data/mMap.tmx");
float unitScale = 1 / 64f;
renderer = new OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer(map, unitScale);

public void render() {;

    renderer.render();//tilemap works fine


    if ( scrFactoryMap.maps.size() > 0 ) {
        scrFactoryMap.getMap(0).draw(batchMap);//sprite sticks to the camera
    str = "string";
    font.draw(batchMap, str, 50,50);//font sticks to the camera

private void slerpCamera(){
    camera.position.add( camX, camY, 0 );


  • Why did you comment this, an put wrong on it?


    You must set the new ProjectionMatrix to the SpriteBatch whenever you transform (i.e. move) your camera.

    Uncomment it :)