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Loading some TrueType Font from TTF file in Java causes FontFormatException: Font name not found

I am attempting to create a java.awt.Font instance from a TTF file on my system, but only some fonts are able to load without error. The code below is some test code I found online. When run on my system, it is able to load 285 fonts successfully (ex. Arial.ttf), but fails on 83 fonts, (ex. AmericanTypewriter.ttf).

All errors are of the form FontFormatException: Font name not found with no embedded cause.

Are there known issues with java.awt.Font and format compatibility? I can't find anything after much Googling.

public static void main(String[] args) {
        String rootPath = "/Library/Fonts";

        File root = new File(rootPath);
        if (root.canRead()) {
            String[] fontFiles = root.list();

            Font font = null;
            for (String fontFile : fontFiles) {
                try {
                    font = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, new File(root + "/" + fontFile));
                } catch (Exception e) {

My environment is Java 7, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1).

java version "1.7.0_40"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_40-b43)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.0-b56, mixed mode)

Any help here would be greatly appreciated.


  • OK, so after some digging, it turns out that this problem is due to a bug (feature!) in the java.awt implementation. Namely, loading a physical TrueType font fails if the font file's name table does not include family name and full name records.

    To identify the problem, I used GrepCode to trace backward from the relevant exception in OpenJDK's AWT implementation. Once I had discovered the name table issue, I used ttx, a no-frills TrueType metadata editor to add the name entries Java looks for. Ex:

    <namerecord nameID="1" platformID="3" platEncID="1" langID="0x409">
      American Typewriter
    <namerecord nameID="4" platformID="3" platEncID="1" langID="0x409">
      American Typewriter

    The new TTF files generated by ttx could now be opened by Java. Yay!