Is there a way to point to a specific JRE/JDK location to run a JWS application? I'm looking into specifying the actual location of the JRE, not only it's version via Java SE element of JNLP file. I dont want to access any system JRE, I only want to use whats bundled with my application.
Currently I am trying to bundle 1.6_45 with my app. However I am encountering issues when a user has 1.7_xx JRE installed on their system. It blocks the launch of the webstart application. The jars are self signed and getting them signed by a CA authority is not an option as it is too $$. I changed the j2se version tag in my jnlp to say 1.6* and this allowed it to run with 1.7_xx present. One bug squashed.
Now the issue is that systems are being upgraded to 1.6_71 [private oracle version], that apparently has some 1.7 security fixes backported in it. So now because of the jnlp tag having 1.6*, my app is picking up 1.6_71 and completely hanging. Webstart just opens the java console and hangs. I tried adding -Djnlpx.home to the jnlp java-vm-args, pointing to the bundled jre/bin, but no luck there.
One way I tried [from a post here on SO] is that I created a shortcut to my particular javaws passing the jnlp file location as a parameter. This did not work. It still picked up 1.6_71 and hung.
At this point, if I google anymore, its going to start showing me a captcha...sigh. Any pointers are greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Is there a way to point to a specific JRE/JDK location to run a JWS application?
Short answer, no. Long answer, nope.