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Angularjs with Packery.js

Trying to get Packery.js working with an angularjs app I'm working with.

For some reason they don't seem to play nice together. I thought it might be resolved with the isInitLayout false setting however, still no love.

Here is my (bootstrap 3) HTML:

<div class="row" class="js-packery" 
     data-packery-options='{ "itemSelector": ".packery-item", 
                             "gutter": 10,  
                             "columnWidth": 60, 
                             "isInitLayout": false }'>
    <artifact class="packery-item" ng-repeat="(index, thing) in data | limitObjectTo:4" thing="thing"></artifact>

I'm starting to wonder if it's because of the Artifact directive i'm using...


  • As mentioned earlier, you have to make a directive that handles the use of Packery.

    This directive made Packery work with AngularJS in the project I am working on.

    Working fiddle:


    <div class="wrapper">
        <div ng-repeat="item in test" danny-packery>


    var dannyPackery = app.directive('dannyPackery', ['$rootScope', function($rootScope) {
        return {
            restrict: 'A',
            link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
                console.log('Running dannyPackery linking function!');
                if($rootScope.packery === undefined || $rootScope.packery === null){
                    console.log('making packery!');
                    $rootScope.packery = new Packery(element[0].parentElement, {columnWidth: '.item'});
                    $rootScope.packery.items.splice(1,1); // hack to fix a bug where the first element was added twice in two different positions