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Structure of MYSQL database table for visitor counter

I have a userbase on db

id | Name | so many details | Unique page link
1  | abc  | bla bla         | username

So, user abc have a page

I want to show user abc stats about visitors i.e. like
1 jan - 400
2 jan - 350
and so on for last 7 day
and also the month wise record for last 12 months
jan - 49009
feb - 73849

what would be the best MYSQL database table structure design.

    user id | day 1 | day2| and so on for 7 day | Jan | Feb | Mar
    111111  |  400  | 300 |                     | 4250|24534|2435

I thought of something like this - is it OK or other optimized design is there?


  • You don't want to do it your way because you will have a long calender for each user.
    It will get out of hand quickly.

    You would want to have a table containing:

    ID user_id time_stamp info
    1 324 2014/1/22 300
    2 327 2014/1/20 500
    3 324 2014/1/19 900

    Than when you want the info.

    Select * FROM table where user_id = 324 

    Would return

    ID user_id time_stamp info
    1 324 2014/1/22 300
    3 324 2014/1/19 900