EGL provides two ways to create EGL surfaces with native backing stores, eglCreateWindowSurface
and egCreatePixmapSurface
. Both create EGL surfaces which interact with the native graphics layer. (In contrast to pbuffer surfaces, which do not interact with the native graphics layer.)
What are pixmaps good for that windows are not? (I.e. why does EGL distinguish between the two types of surfaces?) I am having trouble understanding the difference.
EGL pixmaps are meant to mirror any pixmap-like concept supported by the underlying windowing system. The terminology comes from X11. The EGL spec says:
EGL defines several types of drawing surfaces collectively referred to as EGLSurfaces. These include windows, used for onscreen rendering; pbuffers, used for offscreen rendering; and pixmaps, used for offscreen rendering into buffers that may be accessed through native APIs. EGL windows and pixmaps are tied to native window system windows and pixmaps.
The main differences between pixmaps and windows are:
If the underlying windowing system doesn't support pixmaps, there's no real use for EGL pixmaps (and they probably won't be exposed by the EGL implementation). They're only provided so you can render to X11 pixmaps (or something similar) in case you need to do that for some reason.
One example might be: you want to render a 3D object using the GPU and then use it as an X11 cursor. In that case you might create a pixmap, create an EGL pixmap drawable, draw something, and then use XCreateCursorFromPixmap
to turn your pixmap into a cursor (this is an example of the kind of "native API" the EGL spec is referring to). Examples more useful than this probably exist.