I made a library for mapping into a memory address any PE format file, the thing is i did it only user land, using Visual Studio 2013 with standar .lib format. Does this means that my library cant be used inside a device driver?
For example i have the following snippet:
HMODULE ntdllmod = LoadLibraryA("ntdll.dll");
if (ntdllmod)
ZwQueryInformationProcess func = (ZwQueryInformationProcess)GetProcAddress(ntdllmod, "ZwQueryInformationProcess");
This works well on user land, but on kernel i dont need to call GetProcAddress, i just can call ZwQueryInformationProcess directly, since its a ntoskrnl export... Cant i just do this for example?:
HMODULE ntdllmod = LoadLibraryA("ntdll.dll");
if (ntdllmod)
ZwQueryInformationProcess func = (ZwQueryInformationProcess)GetProcAddress(ntdllmod, "ZwQueryInformationProcess");
//Run my Kernel version code here.
If this is not possible then how i can build a device driver library in VS2013? (cant find the option) Also any guide or reference for knowing how to link drivers library would help, assuming its different than a normal library.
EDIT: I already know about using ZwQueryInformationProcess, the question is if i can use the preprocessor directive #IF to generate a driver library or a user mode library and having both implementations in the same solution.
Yes, you can use #if
to produce different code where necessary. You will probably have to define your own -D
or #define
to control whether the library is "kernel" or "user mode".
It is often best to separate out the "functions that aren't generic" into one or a few modules (and including the files, say "usermode-stuff.c" and "kernel-stuff.c", respectively as part of the project source files), where the same type of function is declared for generic use. This avoids having a huge number of #if KERNEL_MODE
all over the code, which can get quite messy after a while.
Obviously, that in itself doesn't necessarily mean that you can do all the things you need, or that your project can be achieved - there isn't enough details in your question to answer that.