I want to read a json Array and put it, if possible, into an int tri-dimensional array.
The data will look like this, I can change it's design to suit my needs as it is not done yet. The values are dumb but what is good to know is that (Caution mindf*ck ahead) I have to nest an unknown number of arrays containing integers, two times in an array that is repeated three times or less in the root node.
I.E. int[3 or less][2][unknown int] = val
I wrote the keys to improve readability, they may or may not be part of the actual json.
demand : {
0 : {
0 :{
0 :22,
1 :32,
2 :21
1 :{
0 :2762,
1 :352,
2 :231
1 :{
0 :{
0 :222,
1 :232,
2 :621
1 :{
0 :272,
1 :37762,
2 :261
The point is that the keys and values are all integers and I would like to create an int [][][]
with it. I think that the answer is in this doc : Jackson Full Databinding but I do not understand properly how it would work for my data.
I'm thinking about some ObjectMapper.readValue(json, new TypeReference>() { })` and will continue to look into this but I don't have much hope.
Thanks for any help!
Edit Here is the actual valid JSON
[ [ [ 22, 32, 21 ], [ 2762, 352, 231 ] ], [ [ 222, 232, 621 ], [ 272, 37762, 261]] ]
Serializing/Deserializing arrays with Jackson is the same as serializing anything else:
public class App
public static void main(String[] args) throws JsonProcessingException {
int[][][] a = new int[2][3][2];
a[0][2][0] = 3;
ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
// Serialize to JSON
String json = om.writeValueAsString(a);
// deserialize back from JSON
a = om.readValue(json, int[][][].class);
That said, unless you know it's always going to be a three dimensional array, you're be better served using List