We use Regionerate at work with Visual Studio 2010 and it works great!
I would like to use it at home for my personal projects. I use Sharp Develop 4.4.
I installed Regionerate and added the plugin to Sharp Develop. I can see new items in the menus (Regionerate this, Regionerate Settings, et al...).
When I try to select one of these items, I get an error message such as (sample shown is for Regionerate Settings, but Regionerate this produces a similar message...):
Cannot find class: Rauchy.Regionerate.Presentation.Addins.SharpDevelop.DocumentCommand Future missing objects will not cause an error message.
I tried to search the web for an answer, but I'm out of luck...
What could cause this error?
How can I make Regionerate work in Sharp Develop?
Thank you for your help!
I finally managed to make this work...
I had to:
Actually, Regionerate was designed for SharpDevelop 3.0, so a few things changed since then...
I will post a patch to the package maintainer so that everyone can benefit from it.