This is the html format of the webpage:
<ul id="all_items_container" >
<li class="first item" id="">
<a class="item title_link" href="#942" title="blah blah" id="" >
<span class="title" >blah blah</span>
<li class="item " id="">
<a class="item title_link" href="#846" title="blah blah blah" id="" >
<span class="title" >blah blah blah</span>
<li class="item " id="">
<a class="item title_link" href="#745" title="blah blah blah blah" id="" >
<span class="title" >blah blah blah blah</span>
I need to be able to get all of the href attributes for the elements in the "item title_link" class and then take away the # sign, and then convert it into a url. For example, the first element in the "item title_link" class has an href value of "#942", I need to be able to convert that string into something like this "".
I need to be able to create a script that can do that for all of the elements that are in that class and then navigate to each of the generated links. Here is the script that I have so far that doesn't work:
var itemLinks = document.getElementsByClassName("item title_link");
var itemLinksHRefs = itemLinks.href;
var actualItemHRefs = itemLinksHRefs.replace("#","");
var actualItemLinks = ""+actualItemHRefs+"/get";
window.location.href = actualItemLinks;
I know that my script is probably way off of the right way to do this but I am quite new to creating userscripts, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: I need a way to make the script wait to start for 6 seconds, then get the hrefs values for all of the elements in the "item title_link" class and convert them into a list of urls, and then either have the script open all of those links in new tabs or be able to export those links to a text file in this format:
you are trying to set location to multiple links...
and not .href
, but .getAttribute('href');
var a,b,c,d, len;
a = document.getElementsByClassName("item title_link");
len = a.length;
for (var i = 0; i <= len - 1; i++) {
b = a[i].getAttribute('href');
c = b.replace("#", "");
d = "" + c + "/get";
console.log(d); //just to check them out
//window.location.href = d;
//or whatever you wanted to do with that...