I have a query in initializing filtered_graph in boost.
here is my code,
// predicate
template <typename TGraph>
struct edge_predicate
bool operator()(const typename boost::graph_traits<TGraph>::edge_descriptor& v) const
return true //testing purpose
// class
class A{
typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS, Node_Info, Edge_Info > Graph_t;
typedef boost::filtered_graph < Graph_t , edge_predicate > FilteredGraphType_t;
// members
Graph G;
FilteredGraphType_t FG() ; // empty filter graph ???
// constructor for A
template < ..typename list >
A ( ... input iterators list... )
fill the graph G with some values passed in constructor argument list.
// predicate
edge_predicate< Graph_t > EPred;
FilteredGraphType_t FG( G, EPred); // I am passing on edge predicate.
// member function:
FilteredGraphType_t& get_filtered_graph()
return FG;
FG is a member of class A, and G is also a member of A. Initially G is empty object, so is FG I suppose,..
In constructor of A, I fill Graph G with my logic ( such as number of vertices, edges etc ). Now, I want to create a filter FG (which is member of class A) over graph G (after G is filled).
The reason I want this is that this filtered graph is passed as a reference to some other class constructor. This forces me to make FG as member of class A. ( I could create new instance of filter graph in constructor of A itself, but it wont serve the purpose of returning the reference to FG. )
I hope it is clear. please suggest
You can make your code compile and work OK. Try reorganizing the constructor as follows:
// constructor for A
template < ..typename list >
A ( ... input iterators list... )
: G() //calls constructor for G
, EPred(...) //some constructor for predicate
, FG( boost::make_filtered_graph(G, EPred) ) //creates your filtered graph
// fill the graph G with some values passed in constructor argument list.
The rest of code can remain unchanged.