I have Popup menu control on form ( grr, I most likely gonna make it dynamic - hate static tools ). It has got Item with SubMenu. SubMenu has three Menu Items ( TMenuItem class ).
I need to check by taking Sender param in if..then statement whenever procedure has been called by the Item with SubMenu or by SubMenu Items.
I tried different vraiations with typecasting and superclass operations but no luck. I think it is possible to something like this:
if FindControl(MenuItemWithSubMenu.Handle) = TControl(Sender as TComponent).Parent then ...
but, of course, with correct typecasting and commands ..
Any ideas appreciated.
Additional Information by community request:
The code itsef ( if I simply check by component name prop ) looks like this:
procedure TForm1.xClick(Sender: TObject); // procedure that has attached onClick from PopupActionBar1 Items
if ((TComponent(Sender).Name = 'Unloadresources1') or // PopupActionBar1.Items[3]
(TComponent(Sender).Name = 'VKPCache11') or // PopupActionBar1.Items[3].Items[0]
(TComponent(Sender).Name = 'VKPCache21') or // PopupActionBar1.Items[3].Items[1]
(TComponent(Sender).Name = 'AllCache31') or // PopupActionBar1.Items[3].Items[2]
(ActLoadVal = 2)) and (PopupActionBar1.Items[3].Caption = 'Delete VKP Cache') then begin .. end;
The problem is that it is way to weak approach and needs additional coding if programm user wants to add / drag'n'drop / insert component or control or object in runetime. In this way programm itself would automatically do hald job in my place - know what to call and when :)
On ( static ) Form1 is ( static ) PopupActionBar1. It has four Items. Forth Item has SubMenu - with three Items.
Both fourth item with submenu items ( PopupActionBar1.Items[3] ) and three submenu items ( PopupActionBar1.Items[3].Items[0 .. 2] OnClick event handlers are set to Procedure containing If..Then statement wrote above.
Task - by eveluating Sender parameter and using its OOP capabilities - check if Procedure has been called from PopupActionBar1.Items[3] Menu Item or its SubMenu items ( PopupActionBar1.Items[3].Items[0] or PopupActionBar1.Items[3].Items[1] or PopupActionBar1.Items[3].Items[2] ).
I have tried various syntax ... also tried typecasting manipulations with TControl, TWinControl, TComponent .. ( no use of TObject is it has got no Parent ( excl. OLE ) ..
You don't need to find the Item, it is already the Sender. I.e. you can do
procedure TForm1.MyItem1Click(Sender: TObject);
if Sender = MyItem1 then
else if Sender = MyItem2 then
I generally use the tag property to differentiate the MenuItem that triggered the handler. Not elegant, but works.
procedure TForm1.Item1Click(Sender: TObject);
case TMenuItem(Sender).Tag of
0: [..];
1: [..];
One has to remember to set the all menu item's OnClick events to point to the same handler. This is something I don't remember till I see clicking one has no effect..