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requires unavailable shared library;

I have tried to install and run the compass sample project from

glass developers site.

I get the following error

when try installing on non-rooted devices (nexsus4, galaxy note2):

requires unavailable shared library; failing!

I have tried to remove this from the manifest,

but now the apk seems to be installed but nothing is really added to the device

[2014-01-21 15:29:33 - compassApp] Uploading compassApp.apk onto device '4df1250c1d449f4d'
[2014-01-21 15:29:33 - compassApp] Installing compassApp.apk...
[2014-01-21 15:29:46 - compassApp] Success!
[2014-01-21 15:29:46 - compassApp] /compassApp/bin/compassApp.apk installed on device
[2014-01-21 15:29:46 - compassApp] Done!


  • As far as I know you can't run glassware on a standard Android device.

    Hence glassware requires api's found only in Google glass

    I found a workaround to run glassware on an Android device. This will add the required api's to your Android device through apk's. Haven't tried it myself.