Hi I am getting the bug "Sequence of calls to java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap may not be atomic " when i am running find bug in my project for the below code.
public static final ConcurrentHashMap<String,Vector<Person>> personTypeMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Vector<Person>>();
private static void setDefaultPersonGroup() {
PersonDao crud = PersonDao.getInstance();
List<Person> personDBList = crud.retrieveAll();
for (Person person : personDBList) {
Vector<Person> personTypeCollection = personTypeMap.get(person
if (personTypeCollection == null) {
personTypeCollection = new Vector<Person>();
I am facing the problem at the line personTypeMap.put(personTypeCollection.getGroupId(), personTypeCollection);
Can any one help me to resolve the problem.
What compound operations are you performing?
contains a vector for a keyVector
if no value is foundSo this is a two step action and is compound, so it is unsafe.
Why are they not safe?
Because they are not atomic. Think of a scenario in which you have two threads.
Consider this timeline:
Thread 1 --- checks for == null -> true puts a new Vector
Thread 2 --- checks for ==null -> true puts a new Vector
Use putIfAbsent()
method on ConcurrentHashMap
, which provides you an atomic solution to what you are trying to perform.