I'm trying to figure out how to round a monetary amount upwards to the nearest 5 cents. The following shows my expected results
1.03 => 1.05
1.051 => 1.10
1.05 => 1.05
1.900001 => 1.10
I need the result to be have a precision of 2 (as shown above).
Following the advice below, the best I could do is this
BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal(990.49)
// To round to the nearest .05, multiply by 20, round to the nearest integer, then divide by 20
def result = new BigDecimal(Math.ceil(amount.doubleValue() * 20) / 20)
result.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)
I'm not convinced this is 100% kosher - I'm concerned precision could be lost when converting to and from doubles. However, it's the best I've come up with so far and seems to work.
You can use plain double to do this.
double amount = 990.49;
double rounded = ((double) (long) (amount * 20 + 0.5)) / 20;
EDIT: for negative numbers you need to subtract 0.5