As shown in the XAML below, I have a ListView
with a label in it; And in that label is a ContextMenu
. The ContextMenu
is in a DataTemplate
and resources by an ItemTemplate
of the ListView
. Secondly, I have a DisplayMemberPath
property which links to a method in one of my classes.
<ListView x:Name="TitleList" ItemsSource="{Binding Collections}" ItemTemplate="{DynamicResource Template}" BorderBrush="{x:Null}" DisplayMemberPath="Title">
<Setter Property="FrameworkElement.Margin" Value="20,20,0,0"/>
<DataTemplate x:Key="Template">
<Label Content="{Binding .}" Width="500" HorizontalAlignment="Left">
<MenuItem Header="Add Question" Click="AddQuestion"/>
<MenuItem Header="Edit Title"/>
<MenuItem Header="Delete Title"/>
<MenuItem Header="Reposition Title"/>
The problem I am having is that DisplayMemberPath
and ItemTemplate
can not both be properties of my ListView
at once, yet I need both.
Is there another way to have a ContextMenu
without using ItemTemplate
, or is there another solution?
Been trying to complete this and have tried changing these:
<ListView x:Name="TitleList" ItemsSource="{Binding Collections}" ItemTemplate="{DynamicResource Template}" BorderBrush="{x:Null}" SelectedValuePath="Title">
<ListView x:Name="TitleList" ItemsSource="{Binding Collections}" ItemTemplate="{DynamicResource Template}" BorderBrush="{x:Null}" TextSearch.TextPath="Title">
Both of these let me right click and it will display the menu, but the string shows up as MVVMModel.NewTitleClass
Remove the DisplayMemberPath. You are using a custom template for how a ListViewItem should appear. The issue is with your label's Content binding. Change it to this (or tinker around with it a bit if this doesn't work):
Content="{Binding Title}"
Another option is that when you don't specify the property to display when binding a control, it uses the ToString() result. If you haven't overridden this, it will show the fully qualified class name. So you could override the ToString() like this:
public override ToString()
return Title;
The first option would be the best choice though.