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rand() doesn't work even with srand( time(NULL) )

So I'm trying to generate random integers inside functions, but it returns the same numbers. NUM_SOURCES == 5 and for all 5 repetitions it gives the same number despite srand(time(0)) being called. I tried the same without std::, but the result did not change.

Any suggestions?

std::srand(time(0)); //setting seed
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SOURCES; i++)
                             if (sourceDeq->at(i)->getCurrentBid() == NULL) // If the source is empty, generate a new order
    Bid* Source::generateBid(int sysTime)
        bidAmount = bidAmount + 1;
        return new Bid(bidAmount, generateTimeCreation(sysTime), 0, 0, 0, getNumber());

    int Source::generateTimeCreation(int sysTime)
        if (sLaw == UNIFORM)
            return (sysTime + std::rand() % 10);
        if (sLaw == EXPONENTIAL)
            return(sysTime + round((1 - exp(-(std::rand() % 100))) * 10));


  • srand(0); initializes the random number generator again, so it will have the same results, every time... Don't do it.

    The whole point of calling with time(NULL) is to provide a random seed.