I am working on something which fetches data from database and constructs protobuff message. Given the possibility that null values can be fetched from the database for certain fields , I will get Null-pointer exception while trying to construct the protobuff message. Getting to know that null is not supported in protobuffs from the thread http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/issues/detail?id=57, I am wondering whether the only other way to handle NPE getting thrown is to insert manual checks into the java file corresponding to the proto like below!
message ProtoPerson{
optional string firstName = 1;
optional string lastName = 2;
optional string address1 = 3;
ProtoPerson.Builder builder = ProtoPerson.Builder.newBuilder();
if (p.getFirstName() != null) builder.setFirstName(p.getFirstName());
if (p.getLastName() != null) builder.setLastName(p.getLastName());
if (p.getAddress1() != null) builder.setAddress1(p.getAddress1());
So can someone please clarify whether there is any other possible efficient way to handle the null values during protobuff construction??
There's no easy solution to this. I'd recommend just dealing with the null checks. But if you really want to get rid of them, here are a couple ideas:
methods to each Java class. The Java code generator provides insertion points for this (see the end of that page).get*()
methods of p
, call each one, check for null
, and then call the set*()
method of builder
if non-null. This will have the added advantage that you won't have to update your copy code every time you add a new field, but it will be much slower than writing code that copies each field explicitly.