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eclipse xtext - restructure package hierarchy

I have restructured my xtext project packages from com.x.y to com.x.y.z. But unfortunately not all the path references got updated.

To run the mwe2 workflow seems to be no problem. But the src-gen folders get generated still in the former (com.x.y) hierarchy.

Some path entries in the plugin.xml (both com.x.y.zand com.x.y.z.ui) got ignored to update. So i tried to change them manuelly. But it still doesn't work.

Could someone give me a suggestion where in an xtext project, are the correct path configurations, to tell the compile, in which order the src-gen folders get generated?


  • We also restructured the grammars of the EMF-IncQuery project about a year ago. I don't remember exactly what was needed to manage the generation into the new package, but one of the following had to do the trick:

    1. We have moved the mwe and xtext files into a new package.
      1. This meant, we had to update the grammarURI property in the MWE
    2. We have updated the grammar/ecore uri to be similar to the new naming convention.

    All our changes are available in our old repository (, but I cannot provide a smaller example. You might want to look for the Xtext, MWE, and possibly manifest changes.