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Fabric.js : How to set a custom size to Text or IText?

I am using the excellent Fabric.js to draw some text in a canvas. When I specify a custom size ( let's say a 200x200 rectangle) to my IText Object, it seems that Farbric.js force the width and the height of the object to fit around the text.

var t = new fabric.IText("Hello world !", {
  top: 100,
  left: 100,
  width: 200,
  backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
  fill: '#000000',
  fontSize: 12,
  lockScalingX: true,
  lockScalingY: true,
  hasRotatingPoint: false,
  transparentCorners: false,
  cornerSize: 7

Here is a Fiddle with my problem :

In this example, I want the "Hello World!" text to be in a 200x200 box. Is it possible to do that, and how ?


  • OK, so because it is not possible, the best way I found to is to nest the IText box in a Rectangle object, using a Group

    var r = new fabric.Rect({
        width: 200, 
        height: 200, 
        fill: '#FFFFFF',
    // create a rectangle object
    var t = new fabric.IText("Hello world !", {
      backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
      fill: '#000000',
      fontSize: 12,
      top : 3,
    var group = new fabric.Group([ r, t ], {
      left: 100,
      top: 100,
      lockScalingX: true,
      lockScalingY: true,
      hasRotatingPoint: false,
      transparentCorners: false,
      cornerSize: 7

    Example in this Fiddle :

    Note : I have to set a "top" value to the text because it goes out of the box. The value seem to be : fontSize / 4