I am a rookie PHP developer and have recently migrated from a Java developer. For my initial tutorials, I have started executing sample, demo PHP programs from the web.
The name of my website is, practicephp which is located in the root folder in my Windows machine. Hence the full path for my website is, http://localhost/practicephp
My website contains two files, index.php (which is the default page) and Person.php which is located in a folder named, classes. As a result, the path for Person.php is, http://localhost/classes/Person.php
The Person.php class contains a method, Hello(). I want to execute this method from the index.php page.
The source code for my files is given as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<meta charset="UTF-8">
// put your code here
include './classes/';
$p = new Person();
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* and open the template in the editor.
* This is the Person class
* @author Razor
class Person {
//put your code here
public function hello() {
echo 'Hello!';
The problem here is that when I run the index page in my browser, the Apache web server throws me the following three errors:
which in other words means that Apache is neither able to locate the classes folder nor is it able to find the Person.php file. I want to import the whole classes package inside my index file. Had this been in Java, the line of code would have been, import classes.*;
Can anyone please tell me its PHP equivalent?
Replies at the earliest will be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Your code to include the file would have to be
include 'classes/Person.php';
$p = new Person();
You could use a function to load all your files like so
foreach (glob("classes/*.php") as $filename)
include $filename;
or you could have a look at the PHP Autoload function