Just discovered the <colgroup>
tag. Trying to use that to toggle columns. Works for stuff like background color, but not hiding.
table-column is a display property too, so I was thinking, yes, great!
Doesn't seem to be that simple though. Threads and discussions tend to dive into advanced jQuery. Why is this?
My table goes like:
<table style="vertical-align: middle;">
<col id="c1">
<col id="c2">
<col id="c3">
<col id="c4">
<col id="c5">
<tr id="d1">
<td style="text-align: right; vertical-align: middle;">1/2 D note:</td>
With a toggle button:
<a href="javascript:toggleCol2();"><img src="/ico/ms.gif" class="ico" alt="X" title="toggle milli-seconds" id="col_ms">milli-seconds</a>
And this JavaScript:
var Col2 = 1;
function toggleCol2() {
if (Col2 == 0) {
window.document.getElementById('c2').style.display = "table-column";
window.document.getElementById('col_ms').style.opacity = "1";
Col2 = 1;
} else if (Col2 == 1) {
window.document.getElementById('c2').style.display = "none";
window.document.getElementById('col_ms').style.opacity = "0.2";
Col2 = 0;
from this file: http://flamencopeko.net/bpm_calc.js
This is the test page: http://flamencopeko.net/bpm_calc_col.php
Use collapse value for visibility property of the col tag you need. E.g. for hiding column c2 use:
#c2 {
visibility: collapse;
And also to zero out the width of the collapsed column, set the col element's width to 0 while setting the table element's table-layout css property to fixed value:
#c2 {
visibility: collapse;
<table style="table-layout:fixed;...">