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union of googlemaps polygons with clipper.js

I'm trying to merge 2 polygons (green) on Google maps (API v3 Javascript) with clipper.js.

before :

My goal is to have only 1 polygon (red). The problem is that the final polygon is not exactly follow the path and sometime it's even worst.

after :

to merge the 2 green polygons i used clipper.js and this function ClipperLib.ClipType.ctUnion

var clipType = ClipperLib.ClipType.ctUnion;
function mergePolygon()
          array_polygon_clipper = createarray_clipper_polygon(array_polygon[j]);
      cpr.AddPolygons(subj_polygons, ClipperLib.PolyType.ptSubject);
      var succeeded = cpr.Execute(clipType, solution_polygons);
      return solution_polygons;

How can i solve this problem? Clipper.js is a good answer or there are other libraries to work with googlemaps polygons?


  • Your example could work if you upscale the coordinates before AddPolygons call and downscale them after union operation, eg. by 1000000000000. The scaling is needed to maintain precision, when floats are used, because Clipper uses integers innerly. This has a downside that the operation is slow, because Clipper uses big integer library, if coordinates are upscaled heavily.

    To overcome the slowness (and precision) issue, there is available a new (though still experimental) "floats" Clipper:

    Clipper 6 has some things changed, which you have to take into account when migrating from Clipper 5 to 6:

    I made a change for you:

    function dummy(){}