I am building a C# application that encrypt text and display the result in a text box using System.Security.Cryptography.Rijndael
so the receiver copy the results and decrypt it using the same key.
The problem is happening when I am converting the encrypted text from byte[] returned by EncryptStringToBytes
function to a string that can be displayed in a textBox in order to be copied and decrypted later.
I have used the below conversion methods but none of them where able to display a meaningful string that can be used later for decryption and can be re-converted to the ORIGINAL byte shape returned previously from EncryptStringToBytes
Below are the methods used to perform the conversions:
Converting from byte[] to string in order to be displayed in the textBox:
textBox3.Text = Encoding.Default.GetString(encryptionResult)
Converting from string copied from the textBox to byte[] in order to be sent as argument to DecryptStringFromBytes
in order to complete the decrytion process:
byte[] textToByte = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(textToDecrypt)
You should try encode and decode in 64encoding. Use Convert Class.
textBox3.Text =Convert.ToBase64String(encryptionResult)
byte[] textToByte = Convert.FromBase64String(textToDecrypt);
If you still want to use encode, choose:
string decodedString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(textToDecrypt);