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twitter4j-stream with play framework.

I'm trying to get started with the play framework by building a live twitter stream app. I'm super confused though, and have spent a few days trying to figure this out but I can't seem to get it.. hoping someone here wouldn't mind pointing me in the right direction.

A few questions.

1) The actual TwitterStreamFactory instantiation, where would this go? Is this part of a model, or a controller?

2)Websockets, comet, SSE? What's the most efficient way - for every status that comes through the stream - to handle and send to the browser.

3)And the StatusListener. Every time I try to create this in eclipse it tells me to add unimplemented methods.. but I have implemented them. It just won't play nicely.

3 is a big problem for me, because I can't get it to run anywhere. The code works on a tomcat server, but it's obviously quite different using play. Any advice on where I should be writing the twitter stream part of the code?

Thanks guys.. these questions are probably considered silly, but I am truly, truly in a rut here.


  • I made something similar a while back, i used websockets to push the updates to the browser and Akka actors to handle the status listener. The controller can then request a stream (Enumerator) from an actor and return it as a websocket.

    2) Websocket is the most efficient but not compatible with older browsers, if you need better browser compatibility then use comet

    I've modified the code to show a very simple example


    object Application extends Controller {
      implicit val timeout = Timeout(1 second)
      val cb = new ConfigurationBuilder()
      val twitterListener = Akka.system.actorOf(TwitterListener.props(
      def join = WebSocket.async[JsValue] { request =>
        (twitterListener ? RequestStream()).mapTo[Connected].map {
          case Connected(stream) => (Iteratee.ignore, stream)


    object TwitterListener {
      case class RequestStream()
      case class Connected(numerator: Enumerator[JsValue])
      def props(conf: Configuration) = Props(new TwitterListener(conf))
     * Twitter Stream Listener
     * @param config Twitter4j Configuration
    class TwitterListener(config: Configuration) extends Actor {
      import TwitterListener._
      val listener = new StatusListener() {
        val (enum, channel) = Concurrent.broadcast[JsValue]
        def onStatus(status: Status) {
            "msg" -> status.getText,
            "user" -> status.getUser.getName,
            "timestamp" ->"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
        def onDeletionNotice(statusDeletionNotice: StatusDeletionNotice) {
        def onTrackLimitationNotice(numberOfLimitedStatuses: Int) {
        def onException(ex: Exception) {
        def onScrubGeo(userId: Long, upToStatusId: Long) = {
        def onStallWarning(warning: StallWarning) = {
      override def preStart() = {
        val query = new FilterQuery(0, Array(), Array("birthday"))
        val twitterStream = new TwitterStreamFactory(config).getInstance
      def receive = {
        case RequestStream() => sender ! Connected(listener.enum)