Search code examples

how can i make my kendo dropdown list live ? ?_?

i have a kendo Dropdown list its working but i need to make it a live one without the button... whenever i pick one item inside the dropdown it automatically update whats inside my grid or the query on my grid base on the selected on the dropdown list.

here's my code:

@using (Html.BeginForm())
    <input type="hidden" id="hiddenUser" name="hiddenUser" value="@userId" />
        <input id="ddlWorker" name="ddlWorker" style="width: 250px;"   value="@ddlWorker" />
        <input type="submit" value="Filter Workers by Position" class="styledButton" />


var userId = $("#hiddenUser").val();

    dataTextField: "JobCode",
    dataValueField: "ID",
    autoBind: false,

    optionLabel: {
        JobCode: "--- Please Select Position ---",
        ID: ""
    // define custom template
    template: '<h5>${ data.JobCode }</h5>',

    dataSource: {
        transport: {
            read: {
                url: '/Worker/LoadWorkerDropdownList?userId=' + userId,
                dataType: "json",
                type: "POST"

var dropdownlist = $("#ddlWorker").data("kendoDropDownList");


my controller for the grid

public JsonResult LoadWorkerList( string search, int? positionSelected, int? statusValue)

            // check if search string has value
            // retrieve list of workers filtered by search criteria
            var list = (from a in db.Workers
                        where a.LogicalDelete == false
                        select a).ToList();

            List<WorkerInfo> wlist = new List<WorkerInfo>();
            foreach (var row in list)
                WorkerInfo ci = new WorkerInfo
                    ID = row.ID,
                    FirstName = row.FirstName,
                    LastName = row.LastName,
                    Name = row.FirstName + " " + row.LastName,
                    LastFName = row.LastName + " " + row.FirstName,
                    PositionSelected = positionSelected,
                    LogicalDelete = row.LogicalDelete

            if (positionSelected.HasValue)
                var workerIdList = new List<Int32>();

                var filterList = (from a in db.Client_Worker_Position
                                  where a.LogicalDelete == false && positionSelected == a.ClientCustomerPositionID
                                  select a).ToList();
                var listSelect = (from a in db.Worker_Availability
                                  where a.LogicalDelete == false
                                  select a).ToList();

                foreach (var row in listSelect)

                    var shiftList = (from a in db.Client_Customer_Position_Shift
                                     where a.LogicalDelete == false && positionSelected == a.Client_Customer_PositionID
                                     select a).ToList();

                    foreach (var positionShift in shiftList)

                        if (positionShift.Day_LookID == row.AvailableDay_LookID || positionShift.Day_LookID == 76 || row.AvailableDay_LookID == 76)

                            if (((positionShift.StartTime == "Anytime" && positionShift.EndTime == "Anytime") || (row.StartTime == "Anytime" && row.EndTime == "Anytime")) ||
                                 (row.StartTime == "Anytime" || row.EndTime == "Anytime") || (positionShift.StartTime == "Anytime" || positionShift.EndTime == "Anytime"))
                                DateTime posStartTime = Convert.ToDateTime(positionShift.StartTime);
                                DateTime availStartTime = Convert.ToDateTime(row.StartTime);
                                DateTime posEndTime = Convert.ToDateTime(positionShift.EndTime);
                                DateTime availEndTime = Convert.ToDateTime(row.EndTime);

                                if ((positionShift.StartTime == row.StartTime &&
                                    positionShift.EndTime == row.EndTime) || (positionShift.StartTime == row.StartTime ||
                                    positionShift.EndTime == row.EndTime)
                                    || (posStartTime < availStartTime && posEndTime > availEndTime))




                var toBeList = (from a in listSelect

                                where a.LogicalDelete == false
                                select a).ToList();
                var setToList = toBeList.Select(x => x.ID).Except(filterList.Select(y => y.WorkerAvailabilityId)).ToList();

                var selectedPosition = (from a in listSelect
                                        join b in db.Workers
                                        on a.Worker_ID equals b.ID
                                        join c in db.Client_Customer_Position
                                        on positionSelected equals c.ID
                                        where workerIdList.Contains(a.ID) && a.LogicalDelete == false && b.LogicalDelete == false
                                        && c.LogicalDelete == false && setToList.Contains(a.ID)
                                        select new WorkerInfo()
                                            ID = b.ID,
                                            WorkerAvailID = a.ID,
                                            FirstName = b.FirstName,
                                            PositionSelected = positionSelected,
                                            LastName = b.LastName


                var distinctList = selectedPosition.GroupBy(x => x.ID)
                         .Select(g => g.First())

                wlist = distinctList.ToList();

            if (!search.Equals("Search Worker"))

                var wolist = (from a in wlist
                              where a.FirstName.ToLower().Contains(search.ToLower()) ||
                              a.LastName.ToLower().Equals(search.ToLower()) ||
                              a.Name.ToLower().Equals(search.ToLower()) ||
                              select a).ToList();
                wlist = wolist;
                var wolist = (from a in wlist
                              where a.LogicalDelete == false
                              select a).ToList();
                wlist = wolist;
            ViewBag.positionSelected = positionSelected;
            return Json(wlist.ToList().OrderBy(p => p.FirstName.ToLower()), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

thanks :D


  • Here is a working copy of Kendo DropDownList which will change the value of a Kendo Grid.

    My HTML: I've linked the necessary css/js files for kendo and general markup to hook kendo controls.

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src="@Url.Content("")"></script>
    <script src="@Url.Content("")"></script>
    <script src="@Url.Content("")"></script>
        <label class="control-label" for="shiftName">Shift</label>
        <div class="controls">
            <input id="ShiftInputs" type="text" style="width: 100%; min-width: 60px; max-width: 230px;" value="" />
        <br />
        <div class="box-content">
            <label class="control-label" for="shiftName">Operator</label>
            <div id="OperatorGrid"></div>
            <div class="clearfix"></div>

    My javascript:

    //Initialize Kendo DDL
    $(document).ready(function () {
                dataTextField: "text",
                dataValueField: "value",
                dataSource: ShiftData,
                index: 0,
                change: onChange
            //Loading Kendo Grid with all data
    //DDL values
    var ShiftData = [{ text: "ALL", value: "ALL" }, { text: "DAY", value: "DAY" }, { text: "NIGHT", value: "NIGHT" }];
    //DDL change event function, hitting Home controller, function StatusCmbChanged.
        function onChange() {
            var statusValue = $("#ShiftInputs").val();
                url: 'Home/StatusCmbChanged',
                type: "POST",
                data: { "statusValue": statusValue },
                dataType: "json"
        function delayedRefresh() {
            window.setTimeout(Refresh, 500);
        function Refresh() {
        //Main Kendo Grid
            dataSource: {
                transport: {
                    read: {
                        url: "Home/GetOperatorData",
                        type: "POST",
                        contentType: "application/json",
                        dataType: "json"
                    update: {
                        url: "UpdateOperatorData",
                        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                        type: "POST",
                        dataType: "json"
                    parameterMap: function (data, operation) {
                        if (operation != "read") {
                            return kendo.stringify(data.models);
                serverPaging: false,
                pageSize: 10,            
                schema: {
                    model: {
                        id: "ID",
                        fields: {
                            ID: { editable: false },
                            Title: { validation: { required: true } },
                            Name: { editable: true },
                            Hours: { editable: true, type: "number", validation: { required: true, min: 0, step: 0.25 } },
                            Shift: { editable: true },
                            Comments: { editable: true }
            pageable: {
                refresh: true,
                pageSizes: true
            sortable: true,
            autoBind: false,
                { field: "Title", width: 100 },
                { field: "Name", width: 120 },            
                { field: "Hours", width: 100 },
                { field: "Shift", width: 100 },
                { field: "Comments", width: 100 },            

    My MVC Codes: Controller:

    public ActionResult Index()
                return View();

    My Data Table for the Grid:

    static DataTable GetTable()
                DataTable table = new DataTable();
                table.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int));
                table.Columns.Add("Title", typeof(string));
                table.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
                table.Columns.Add("Hours", typeof(int));
                table.Columns.Add("Shift", typeof(string));
                table.Columns.Add("Comments", typeof(string));
                table.Rows.Add(0, "Mr", "Indocin David", 12, "DAY", "Good sprit");
                table.Rows.Add(1, "Mr", "Enebrel Sam", 8, "NIGHT", "");
                table.Rows.Add(2, "Dr", "Hydralazine Christoff", 12, "DAY", "");
                table.Rows.Add(3, "Mrs", "Combivent Janet", 12, "DAY", "");
                table.Rows.Add(4, "Miss", "Dilantin Melanie", 8, "NIGHT", "Lazy");
                table.Rows.Add(5, "Mr", "Tim Melanie", 14, "DAY", "");
                table.Rows.Add(6, "Mr", "Robin Sriboski", 6, "NIGHT", "");
                table.Rows.Add(7, "Mrs", "Anna Frank", 13, "NIGHT", "");
                table.Rows.Add(8, "Mr", "Dimitri Petrovich", 9, "DAY", "Hard worker");
                table.Rows.Add(9, "Mr", "Roberto Carlos", 7, "NIGHT", "");
                table.Rows.Add(10, "Mrs", "Stepheny Abraham Lincoln", 13, "DAY", "");
                return table;

    My Kendo Grid Read:

            public ContentResult GetOperatorData([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request)
                string OperatorJsonData = "";
                DataTable table = GetTable();
                string Shift = Session["CurrentShift"] as string;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Shift) && (Shift == "DAY" || Shift == "NIGHT"))
                    OperatorJsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(from myRow in table.AsEnumerable()
                                                                   where myRow.Field<string>("Shift") == Shift
                                                                   select new
                                                                       ID = myRow.Field<int>("ID"),
                                                                       Title = myRow.Field<string>("Title"),
                                                                       Name = myRow.Field<string>("Name"),
                                                                       Hours = myRow.Field<int>("Hours"),
                                                                       Shift = myRow.Field<string>("Shift"),
                                                                       Comments = myRow.Field<string>("Comments")
                    OperatorJsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(table);
                return new ContentResult { Content = OperatorJsonData, ContentType = "application/json", ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8 };

    My Kendo DropDownList onChange Ajax call hit point:

            public void StatusCmbChanged(string statusValue)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(statusValue))
                    Session["CurrentShift"] = statusValue;

    @marlonies hope this will help you.

    Preview for All Preview when select DAY Preview when select NIGHT