I've got a page with 3 Twitter-bootstrap popover buttons that on click display a hidden div with HTML content. I've added an X in the top right corner to close the popover box.
My problem occurs when a popover is opened up and overlays content below it, and then is closed, the content below it i.e. a button that links to another page is no longer accessible and you cannot click it anymore.
In the inspector I can see that the hidden popover, the div with content, is there sitting on top of the button I want to click so I cannot access it.
Curious thing is that when I click the actual popover button to close the popover it is totally gone and I can click the button below but when I click the closing X I cannot.
How can I fix this?
Link to page: (http://bit.ly/1j1AW4i)
Button code:
<button id="popoverBtn1" class="popoverThis btn btn-default" data-placement='bottom'>
Learn More <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-circle-arrow-right"></span>
<div id="popoverContent1" class="hide">
<strong>Ideal for:</strong> Qualified clients who want to continue having the convenient access to funds that a home equity line of credit provides.
<br /><br />
<strong>What:</strong> Apply for a new Access 3<sup>®</sup> Equity Line and transfer your current balance to the new line. <a target="_blank" href="https://www.suntrust.com/PersonalBanking/Loans/EquityLinesOfCreditAndLoans/EquityLineOfCredit">Learn More</a> about our Access 3<sup>®</sup> Equity Line.
<br /><br />
<strong>Get started:</strong> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.suntrust.com/portal/server.pt?space=Redirect&CommunityID=1805&ui_ProdGroup=IL&ui_ProdSubGroup=EQLN&ui_Product=INETACCX&POPNAC=T">Apply Online</a>, Call <span class="blue">877-748-4059</span>, or stop by your <a target="_blank" href="https://www.suntrust.com/FindUs">local branch</a>.
Script code:
html: true,
title: '<a class="close popoverThis">×</a>',
content: $('#popoverContent1').html(),
html: true,
title: '<a class="close popoverThis">×</a>',
content: $('#popoverContent2').html(),
html: true,
title: '<a class="close popoverThis">×</a>',
content: $('#popoverContent3').html(),
$('.popoverThis').click(function (e) {
$(document).click(function (e) {
if (($('.popover').has(e.target).length == 0) || $(e.target).is('.close')) {
Here is one option:
html: true,
title: '<a class="close popoverThis">×</a>',
content: $('#popoverContent1').html(),
$(document).on('click','.close',function (e) {
$('button.popoverThis').on('show.bs.popover', function () {
use this instead:
$(document).on('click','.close',function (e) {