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Is there any risk of hacker intercepting the session data that is downloaded into client website in GWT?

Ok, Here is my scenarios. I manage session at server side, see the following code:

HttpSession session = requestProvider.get().getSession();
String userMeaningID=(String)(session.getAttribute("userMeaningID"));

Then I bring the userMeaningID into client website, this code is at clinet

private AsyncCall<PostSignUpResult> postSessionCallback=new AsyncCall<PostSignUpResult>(){
    public void onCustomSuccess(PostSignUpResult result) {
          String userMeaningID=result.getUserMeaningID();
          if(userMeaningID!=null && isNumber(userMeaningID)){
               // user can manipulate info here

so my question is that, is there any risk that hacker somehow pass the fake userMeaningID into result so that result.getUserMeaningID(); will return the fake ID & thus the hacker can play with the data on client. This is not a too big problem cos even they mess up data & send to server, then at server side I double check data again to make sure they valid.

Although all data will be checked at server side before inserting into DB I still want to know

Is there any risk of hacker intercepting the session data that is downloaded into client website in GWT?

If there is a risk then how can we deal with it?


  • SSL is only part of the solution since an attacker can still steal a session and send requests to attack your rpc services. Use XSRF token to ensure third parties can't send malicious requests to the rpc services handled by GWT.

    The implementation is straightforward.