I have a MySQL table which contains comma-separated values like this:
first row=(A,AB)
second row=(AC, AE)
I want to select the rows which have A in their set not AC OR AE. I am using symfony2 in my code.
$query = $query->andWhere("FIND_IN_SET('".trim($tag)."',advNews.advNewsTags)");
Its Return Error: Expected known function, got 'FIND_IN_SET'
But if i use query in sqlyog like
select * from advice_news where adv_news_type = 'news' AND FIND_IN_SET ('sdf',adv_news_tags)
its work fine.
Tell me any solution i will use FIND_IN_SET in symfony2.
You need to add FunctionNode to Doctrine and Symfony. I had the same problem with SOUNDS LIKE
. You can find my solution at http://piotrpasich.com/full-text-searching/ in SOUNDEX chapter.