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Error with async await keywords

i added the AsyncCtpLibrary v.3. grabbed some sample code from the async webpage. wrapped it in a TestFixture to play around with.

i'm getting errors: any ideas why?

Error 1 - Invalid token 'void' in class, struct, or interface member declaration

Error 2 - ; expected


public class AsyncTests
    public async void AsyncRunCpu()
        Console.WriteLine("On the UI thread.");

        int result = await TaskEx.Run(
            () =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Starting CPU-intensive work on background thread...");
                    int work = DoCpuIntensiveWork();
                    Console.WriteLine("Done with CPU-intensive work!");
                    return work;

        Console.WriteLine("Back on the UI thread.  Result is {0}.", result);

    public int DoCpuIntensiveWork()
        // Simulate some CPU-bound work on the background thread:
        return 123;


  • I think it's supposed to be:

    public async Task AsyncRunCpu()
        // ...

    as far as I can tell async methods with a void return type are in some way special - wonder why the compiler doesn't issue a warning for this kind of scenario ...

    By the way you can use async/await with .NET4.0, just add a reference to Microsoft.BCL.Async in the project. The only difference is that some Task related functionality lives in the TaskEx type.