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JayData incorrect behaviour with WebApi v2 Odata during entity update the Patch endpoint get invoked

While trying to update the entity, JayData triggers the PatchEntity method on the WepAPI backend. I find this as an invalid behaviour as for the UpdateEntity should be invoked.

The add and delete entity functionality works OK. On the backend I have a controller that inherits from EntitySetController<>

public class BaseODataController<TService, TEntity, TEntityDto, TIdentityType> : EntitySetController<TEntityDto, TIdentityType>

        protected override TEntityDto UpdateEntity(TIdentityType key, TEntityDto update)
            // is not getting called
            return base.UpdateEntity(key, update);

        protected override TEntityDto PatchEntity(TIdentityType key, Delta<TEntityDto> patch)
            // gets called
            return base.PatchEntity(key, patch);


Here is the code that gets called on the clientside:

 vm.updateRole = function(r) {
        return $data.initService('/odata/$metadata').then(function (context) {
            r.Name = "NewUpdateRole";
            r.entityState = $data.EntityState.Modified;
            context.saveChanges().then(function(result) {


Am I missing something here?


  • JayData sends the MERGE or PATCH requests based on the dataServiceVersion property of the odata provider configuration.

    $data.initService('/odata/$metadata', {dataServiceVersion: '3.0'})

    2.0 causes MERGE and 3.0 causes PATCH requests to align with the WCF Data Services OData implementation.

    If this behavior does not meet the WebAPI OData requirements, there is a second customization option to determine the kind of the request:

    $data.initService('/odata/$metadata', {UpdateMethod: 'PATCH'})

    You can make a try to modify the PATCH to UPDATE HTTP Verb