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spring mvc one init binder for all controllers

I have 5 controllers and i would like to register an InitBinder to all of them.

I know i can add this code to each of them.

public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder)
    binder.registerCustomEditor(StringWrapper.class, new StringWrapperEditor());

But i would like to define it only once (even create a bean of StringWrapperEditor and use it instead of creating new every time.)

I searched SO and some other places but didn't find any answear. Is it even possible?

Im using spring 3.1.1 with java 1.6.


  • Implement a PropertyEditorRegistrar which registers all your custom PropertyEditors. Then in your configuration add a ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer which you hookup with the created PropertyEditorRegistrar and hook it to your HandlerAdapter.

    public class MyPropertyEditorRegistrar implements PropertyEditorRegistrar {
        public void registerCustomEditors(PropertyEditorRegistry registry) {
             registry.registerCustomEditor(StringWrapper.class, new StringWrapperEditor());   

    If you have a <mvc:annotation-driven /> tag in your configuration, the problem is that with this tag you cannot add the WebBindingInitializer to the adapter next to that there is already a ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer added to the pre-configured HandlerAdapter. You can use a BeanPostProcessor to proces and configure the bean.

    public class MyPostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor {
        public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String name) throws BeansException {
            if (bean instanceof RequestMappingHandlerAdapter) {
                WebBindingInitializer wbi = ((RequestMappingHandlerAdapter) bean).getWebBindingInitializer();
                if (wbi == null) {
                    wbi = new ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer();
                    ((RequestMappingHandlerAdapter) bean).setWebBindingInitializer(wbi);
                if (wbi instanceof ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer) {
                    ((ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer) wbi).setPropertyEditorRegistrar(new MyPropertyEditorRegistrar());

    Requires a bit of work but it is doable. You could also implement your own WebBindingInitializer.

    If you don't have the tag you can simply manually configure a RequestMappingHandlerAdapter and wire everything together.


    1. PropertyEditorRegistrar javadoc
    2. ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer javadoc
    3. Reference Guide link