I want to disable the plus icon from my jsp page when the request is made to this page. How to do this?
I tried this
if ($("#errorMsgForItem").val() == "noloc")
$("#add_" + myGrid[0].id).addClass('ui-state-disabled');
console.debug("No Item location found...");
Update: More code
This is a function(createNew
) which will be called on the same page After submitting a form via AJAX
function createNew(aDateVal){
if(aDateVal == null || aDateVal == ""){
$("#dateValidationMsg").html("Enter date");
url: "validationAgainstExistData.htm?date="+aDateVal+"&dateFormat="+controllerDateFormat,
success: function(data){
$("#errorMsgForItem").val( $.trim(data));
if ($("#errorMsgForItem").val() == "yes")
$("#errorMsgDisplay").html("Inventory for the selected date already exists. Click on the inventory date to open it for edit.");
//$("#itemLocationGrid").jqGrid("navGrid", "#itemLocationGridPager", {add: false});
var msg =null;
//$("#itemLocationGridContainer,#itemLocationGrid").jqGrid("navGrid", "#itemLocationGridPager", {add: false});
var myGrid = jQuery("#itemLocationGridContainer");//itemLocationGrid
$("#edit_" + myGrid[0].id).addClass('ui-state-disabled');
$("#del_" + myGrid[0].id).addClass('ui-state-disabled');
$("#add_" + myGrid[0].id).addClass('ui-state-disabled'); //nothing happening
// $("#createNewInventoryBlock").dialog({autoOpen: true });
<div id="searchProductName" style="display:none"></div>
<div id="itemLocationGridContainer" style="float:left;margin-top: 20px;display:none" >
<p class="ui-widget" style="font-size: 12.5px;color: blue;">During editing a cell, do not drag the rows for rearranging.</p>
<table id='itemLocationGrid'></table>
<div id='itemLocationGridPager'></div>
<div id ="addProduct" style="display:none;background-color:#DFEFFC;width:340px;height:auto;opacity: 0.99;filter:alpha(opacity=65);"></div>
<div id ="productItemLocationId" title="Location "></div>
<div style="display: none;" id="calculateItemSummariesBasedOnItemCategory"></div>
disables the Add button instead of hiding. You can use jQuery.hide
to hide it instead:
var myGrid = $("#grid");
// hide Add button
$("#add_" + myGrid[0].id).hide();
I should remark that you should use above code only if you need **dynamically* show or hide add button. If you don't need the button you should just use add: false option of navGrid method:
// create navigator with Edit and Delete buttons, without Add button
$("#grid").jqGrid("navGrid", "#pager", {add: false});
If you do need dynamically hide/show some navigator buttons you should create all the buttons and hide/show the buttons when it's require. See the answer and another one for demos which explain more detailed the working with navigator buttons.